Thursday, January 15, 2009

The killing fields of Gaza..

I RECEIVED an email from an Australian activist who wrote about what she described as the Killing Fields of Gaza. One wonders what's really going on in the minds of the perpetrators of this crime. I've converted the email to a posting in my other blog palestine.blogspot.comThe writer spoke about the fun Israeli-backers had in New York a few days ago.


Anonymous said...

Datuk, I am having difficulties with the hyperlinks in your blog article. Perhaps you could look into the problem. Thanks.

Ahmad A Talib said...

Dear Anon 7:21,

I had a problem with it too. I've tried to correct it and in the end received a notification from blogger to report it to them, using some channel listed..i've tried that and will wait for the response. For the time being,you may click to the save palestine icon on the right side of my blog to gain access into it. Sori, and TQ for raising the matter.

budak-kom said...

datuk, malaysia tidak mengiktiraf kewjudan israel kan.tengok dalam surat khabar utusan ke berita harian ke ape ke, nama israel yang menjelma...sepatutnya bila kita tidak mengiktiraf kewjudan negara tersebut, palestin yang menjelma..macam mana penjajah yahudi yang menggelarkan diri mereka sebagai israel boleh ada kat situ..palestin tetap palestin wp beribu tahun negara tersebut akan d jajah oleh kumpulan israel...israel bukan negara...jepun menjajah tanah melayu tapi kenapa tidak berubah nama tanah melayu...kenapa tidak menjadi kepada nama style jepun ke...iraq ntah dab berapa lama d jajah amerika, nape tak tukar nama kepada amerika syarikat...sbb iraq tetap negara iraq...amerika cumalah penjajah..begitu juga dengan palestin.tetap tanah palestin.nape pergi tukar dengan nama penjajahnya...

Anonymous said...

"Killing fields of Gaza: This Aussie activist did not mention about how Hamas puts the lives of its own people in the front line. Its nothing more than a PR exercise to humiliate Israel. And the Palestinians were the ones that voted for Hamas. You suffer the consequences for what you voted for. Since 2005, Hamas fired more than 1000 rockets into Israel. I don't think Hams cares about its population - they are just lambs to the slaughter. Hamas said they will destroy Israel. Forget about a peace deal.