SHOW YOUR SUPPORT by attending the proposed Palestine Awareness Day being organised by some friends on Jan 18, '09. The initiative is from the Muslim Professionals Forum, an association of like-minded individuals pursuing, in this instance, the Palestinian cause. Details of the event will be made known early next week after the organising committee meets. Watch this space.
sabah mari:
salam ermm cukup menarik kupasan dan pandangan yg d bg sml dlm rancang blog..blh d terima pakai ide2 bernas dari penulis terutama kupasan tetang akta kawalan blog dan satu lgd kupasan tambahan d akhir soalan pasal PRK k.t siap memohon ulasan d panjangkan hehheheh,napa penulis tak membuat permintaan dng rtm sml supaya d adakan rancangan ulangan d lain hari kan best ..anything pun bravorrrr teruskan perjuangan mu wahai teman..all the best.(rugi sapa tak tengok sml)
Dato, leave the Palesinian Ambassador out of any initiatives towards this cause.
Watch Malaysiakini and get an example of how arrogant his kind can be by talking down to those supporting the cause. His people are being killed in his homeland and he is bothered about whose picture (which is in their culture since the 60s) they hold up.
Don't give them money. Send medical and food supplies directly to the victims' camps Dato'. I don't trust them. Arafat got billions during his lifetime from the world. What did he do for his people?
ini adalah kesilapan orang islam sendiri yang mana tidak bersatu..hanya mementingkan diri..
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