Saturday, September 20, 2008

Abdullah told to "stand and fight"

SEVERAL members of the UMNO supreme council are backing Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, and urged the party president to stand his ground and defend his post at all costs.

I understand that the move to encourage Abdullah to fight all the way is led by party Sec Gen Datuk Teuku Adnan, and assisted by a state liaison chief and another supreme council member from a northern state.

The state chief told members of the state liaison committee not to be influenced by unfounded talk that the party president is under siege. Instead, the state chief insisted that Abdullah will get the nominations to defend his post come mid December.

In the past 24 hours, party operators and ground leaders have been busy meeting in small groups to push their agenda through. On Thursday, many supreme council members spoke out advising Abdullah to step down and not wait for 2010 to execute the transition plan endorsed two months ago by the council.

The supreme council members who spoke out on Thursday believed that Abdullah won't be getting the required number of nominations to defend his post. A contestant for the number one post needs 58 nominations in order to qualify to make a bid for the presidency.

Those pushing for leadership change are also on the ground, meeting division chiefs and re-inforcing the change agenda. The division chiefs are most sought after because they have considerable say and can influence nominations.

Divisional meetings starts on Oct 9.


Premium Business said...

Sememangnya sudah dijangkakan akan ada sesetengah pihak yang akan mendesak paklah supaya meneruskan kepimpinan. golongan ini adalah golongan yang juga kena 'bungkus' jika paklah berundur. bagi mereka adalah lebih baik dan bermaruah untuk dolah kalah ketika mempertahankan jawatannya daripada berundur dengan tangan kosong. malahan mreka meyakinkan dolah bahawa 'kemenangan' masih berada di pihak dolah.

Adalah mustahil Dolah melepaskan jawatan sebelum 9okt dan membiarkan KJ mengharung pertarungan Ketua Pemuda sendirian tanpa pengaruhnya.

Dolah hanya mungkin melepaskan jawatan selepas menggulung perbahasan di perhimpunan agung UMNO disember nanti itupun jika 'suasana' memaksanya berbuat demikian.

Unfiltered-Madness said...

Dengar cerita kumpulan beliau yakinkan sudah ada 100 bahagian yang akan menyokong.

Anonymous said...


I read in Utusan online that no one is pressuring Pak Lah to step down. Selangor Umno chief Muhammad Taib said so. But he also said in the newspapers a couple of days ago that Umno leadership should be decided by grassroots. Is Muhammad the state leader you are referrring to? I heard a deputy minister is also helping Muhammad Taib.

what is happening in umno?


Anonymous said...

Saya tidak yakin bahawa Pak Lah tidak dapat merentasi kuota 30% saperti yang diperlukan bagi jawatan Presiden jika dilihat dari sudut budaya UMNO yang diamalkan selama ini.
Jawatan Presiden UMNO dan sekali gus jawatan Perdana Menteri Malaysia sebenarnya hanya ditentukan oleh 191 orang sahaja yang merupakan ketua-ketua bahagian UMNO. Kesemua mereka ini adalah jutawan belaka. Malah Ketua Bahagian UMNO Bukit Bintang pun bertaraf jutawan meskipun semua orang tahu bahawa sehingga hari kiamat pun UMNO Bukit Bintang tidak akan dapat meletakkan calun apatah lagi untuk memenangi pilihanraya dikawasan itu. Mungkin hanya satu dua orang sahaja yang belum mencapai taraf jutawan itu tetapi mereka yakin bahawa mereka juga akan mencapai taraf itu jika diberikan sedikit masa lagi dan mereka-mereka ini sudah tentu tidak mahu memperjudikan nasib masa depan mereka.
Sebenarnya dalam budaya UMNO, suara akar umbi tidak begitu penting. Rata-rata ketua-ketua UMNO diperingkat cawangan masih miskin. Bak kata seorang pemimpin dinegeri saya, 'kok tak beringgit tak usah lah nak jadi ketua, ikut aja lah'. Menyedari kepincangan diri masing-masing, mereka-mereka ini akan hanya akur dengan apa yang kehendaki oleh ketua bahagian mereka dengan harapan agar dapur mereka akan terus berasap.
Dengan itu jika diambil kira mereka-mereka yang berjawatan Menteri dan Timbalan Menteri (yang lazimnya berjawatan sebagai Ketua atau Timbalan dibahagian masing-masing),jumlah itu pun sudah melebihi kuota 30% itu. Kalau jumlah itu masih tidak mencukupi,memandangkan terdapat beberapa menteri yang mahukan Pak Lah berundur segera, Pak Lah masih lagi mepunyai masa untuk menghidupkan semula jawatan Setiausaha Parlimen yang dibubarkan selepas pilihanraya yang lepas.
Dengan itu kita semua janganlah tertunggu sangat bahawa satu keajaiban akan berlaku semasa pemilihan UMNO diperingkat bahagian yang akan berlangsong pada bulan hadapan.
Adalah lebih baik kita meneruskan kerja-kerja kita, jangan nanti dapur kita pulak yang tak berasap!!!

Datuk Naim Mohamad said...

Barisan Nasional (BN) should accept individuals to become direct members of the organization. As in the case of BN’s predecessor the ALLIANCE or PERIKATAN where if I am not mistaken had direct members ADMO (Alliance Direct Membership Organisation).

This will allow voters who do not want to be members of anyone of its coalition partners be direct members of Barisan Nasional. In this way their representation is counted because they believe in the National Front’s (BN) objective.

Other members through their parties will continue to form the coalition partners and the coalition will be managed by the present BN Supreme Council system.

In the case of SAPP members who had resigned from their party who no longer wants to be a partner of the BN coalition, these members can be direct members of Barisan Nasional and thus their representatives who had won on the Barisan Nasional ticket can continue to serve the Barisan Nasional Government as per the wish of their voters.

This is one way of avoiding unnecessary and expensive by elections if in the near future any coalition partner wishes to withdraw from the Barisan Nasional. If the party so chose to discontinue from the coalition, the elected representatives who had won on the Barisan National ticket can opt to be a direct member of Barisan Nasional and rightly continue to serve his or her constituency. If he or she wishes to follow the party out of Barisan Nasional then rightly a by election should be called to let the voters decide on the future of the representation.

It is a crime to deceive the voters when one stands in the election on one ticket and along the way to change to another ticket for personal or other reasons. The voters should be given the priviledge and the right to decide on their representation of the elected members platform, ticket or party. It’s the voters who decide to vote on the ticket and if the ticket holder wants to change, he or she should give it back to the voters to decide.

The Barisan Nasional Direct Membership Organization will be a good transition vehicle for a One Malaysia Concept Party to move Malaysia ahead after 2020.

As of the present, Barisan Nasional will consists of its coalition partners and the direct membership organization. The Barisan Nasional supreme council in the meantime can appoint three members from the Direct Membership Organization to represent their views in the Supreme Council until such a time when the Direct Membership Organization representatives can be chosen from their own meetings or Congress.

This will be an alternative political membership forum where individuals who are not accepted by Coalition Partners Parties and or who are not wanting to be part of the Coalition Partners Parties due to its objectives or beliefs can be a member of the Barisan Nasional.

A condition for Direct Membership will be that the applicant must be a registered voter. Non voters should not be accepted as the Barisan Nasional Direct Member.

Until a time when the number of Direct Members achieve a figure exceeding at least 50% of Malaysian voters, then the Sopreme Council should review to look at the structure of Barisan Nasional to register of formulate it as a poltical party of the future.

Sincerely yours,

Naim Mohamad
I/C No: 540525-04-5023
Voter at 105/34/06/036

Date: 21 st September, 2008

Zainal A. Kasim said...


Seems to me that those who push for Abdullah to "stand and Fight" are those who lost in the past election (?).... [you mentioned they are from the northen states]

Apanama said...

Saudara Zainal.. I salute your ability to 'read' into the leaders from north.
You hit the nail right on the spot. Yes! its the bloody good-for-nothing LOSERS are the ones who want Abdullah to cling on.

Anonymous said...

di pahamkan bahawa tengku nan ada lah balachi tun mahathir dan besar kwmungkinan tujuan tengku nan menggesa dolah pertahankan jawatan ada dua sebab.
1)dia nie jenis gaji mata dua.dua-dua dia kapit..
2)di arahkan oleh kem tun mahathir untuk memalukan dolah,apabila dolah gagal mendapat cukup pencalunan untuk jawatan tersebut..

Anonymous said...

kita tgk samada dolah atau UMNO yang bungkus terus.. saya jangka kalau dolah jadi PM langkau tarikh 1 januari 2009, MCA dan GERAKAN akan istihar keluar barisan nasional.

bagus juga tgk UMNO musnah... bagi innoculation pada diri UMNO yang tak sedar diri dan berkepentingan hanya untuk golongan elit UMNO sahaja.