Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hati-hati dengan kalimah Allah.

KEPUTUSAN Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur membenarkan kalimah Allah diguna oleh penerbit majalah Herald, the Catholic Weekly, mengundang masalah besar. Jika tidak ditangani dengan baik dan berhati-hati, ia boleh merosakkan apa juga keharmonian yang ada hari ini. Pelbagai pihak khususnya yang mewakili rakyat beragama Islam di negara ini sudah mula mengeluarkan kenyataan dan mengambil tindakan tertentu. Umpamanya, Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia hari ini mengeluarkan kenyataan membantah keputusan mahkamah dan sekaligus melancar kempen petisyen. Sesiapa yang mahu menyertai petisyen itu boleh masuk ke sesawang dan ambillah tindakan yang sewajarnya. Persatuan Peguam Muslim pula mengeluarkan kenyataan yang keras terhadap keputusan itu. Dalam kenyataannya, presiden persatuan itu Zainul Rijal Abu Bakar, berkata persatuannya tidak nampak bagaimana keputusan itu boleh menjamin integrasi kaum di negara majmuk ini. Malah, ia akan menyulitkan apa juga usaha kearaah itu dan disebaliknya akan meluaskan lagi jurang perkauman di negara ini. Nah, 2010 baru saja berusia dua hari. Namun, bahang kontroversi sudah mula membayangi tahun baru ini. Sama-sama kita doa agar ia tidak mencetuskan perselisihan yang menggugat keamanan negara tercinta.


Anonymous said...


In the days leading to the decision of the case brought by the Titular Roman Catholic Archbishop applying to use the word Allah in the Malay version of the bible, the Muslim community sat muted whilst being schooled by the non Muslims on their own religion. At the helm of this muted movement were politicians including their ulamas, political alliances and Muslim intellectuals who all agreed that it is permissible for the use of the word Allah in the Catholic weekly Herald publication.

The first effect that we shall see from the decision of the Kuala Lumpur High Court dated 31.12.2009 allowing the Church to use the word Allah in their Malay language publication is the birth of Allah’s son. From now onwards, the Christian God in this new publication shall be referred to as “Allah” and Jesus Christ as “Anak Allah”.

The Muslim calendar, ie the Maal Hijrah for the year 1431 shall be well remembered by all Malaysians as the year where the trinity of Allah accompanied by “Anak Allah” shall be celebrated in the books of the Christians in the mother tongue of the largely Malay muslim populace and marked by the lunar eclipse event. In Surah Al Ikhlas, verse 1-4, Allah says ‘ Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; 2. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute. 3. He begets not, nor is he begotten; 4. And there is none like unto Him.

For the unlettered and unschooled in Islam, verse 3 simply means that Allah “does not give birth”, nor is “Allah given birth to”. It is incumbent for all Muslims, both lettered and unlettered, to uphold the sanctity of the concept of monotheism in Islam and never to allow Allah to be portrayed as having the attributes of a human being, the ability to beget a Son of which the echelons of the political community using Islam as their brand name in Malaysia have so easily facilitated and consented.

Those responsible for allowing this event to take place shall have to answer in their graves and in the hereafter for committing the greatest of all sins, “shirk” or polytheism of the highest degree. No argument can justify the usage of “Allah” and “Anak Allah” in any kitab here; yet those in a position to prevent this occurrence has shamelessly come to the defence of The weekly Herald to teach us how to pray to our ONE GOD.

What is the rationale for using the word “Allah” in the Christian books and how does this promote racial integration or even “One Malaysia”? If anything, this event draws the divide between the races even more. It is a deep shame that we have to live with for the rest of our lives, losing a battle that need not have been fought at all. It is not the fault of the Titular Roman Catholic Archbishop that we lost our pride and identity, we are our own doing. The pride of our community today fell due to treachery by those who fought and won political battles using the name of Islam. In the Quran, Allah warns us most of all against people who sell their religion. Allah says in the Quran, “ not sell my religion for a paltry sum..”. In this case before us, the situation involved is even worst, they sold their religion for free.

Zainul Rijal Abu Bakar
Persatuan Peguam Peguam Muslim Malaysia

Anonymous said...

Mr Zainul Rijal, your argument is not strong enough to deny others to use the word "Allah". Even our prophet did not against the use the word "Allah" among the Mecca pagan tribes.

Anonymous said...

Kami, Bloggers Against Blasphemy, akan bersama-sama anda dan kumpulan peguam muslim dalam hal ini. Sila updatekan kami dengan aktiviti-aktiviti baru serta action plan yang seterusnya di sini supaya kami boleh kerahkan tenaga penulis-penulis kami serta pengusaha on the ground untuk bertindak apa yang sepatutnya. Kami memerlukan juga kumpulan peguam seperti anda semua untuk memberi pandangan dari sudut perundangan. Mari kita bersama-sama bersatu dalam isu ini.

Kini terdapat pelbagai kumpulan yang berusaha ke arah yang sama. Biarkan ada kepelbagaian (diversity) begini asalkan objektifnya sama.
Diminta pengunjung2 individu serta kumpulan2 seperti
persatuan peguam muslim malaysia
majlis gabungan belia melaka

melawat blog kami di atas untuk bertukar-tukar maklumat, berbincang strategi, mengumumkan aktiviti2/demo/bantahan dan pass satu sama lain hujjah-hujjah yang boleh digunakan di mahkamah.

Dato' Nawawi sedang mengumpul angkatan serta material untuk membuat bantahan secara besar-besaran. Mari kita semua bersatu dalam hal ini.

Dalam pada itu, abaikan minda infantilistik seperti ANonymous 3:40 di atas yang membawa hujjah basi yang sudah lama di patahkan.

Libation Bearer.

Anonymous said...

Your apprehension for 2010 has basis.

If we look back at the past, Dr Mahathir's decades were the only science and technology driven economic success in the Islamic world, which is the opposite of the western military spending models of Singapore and the US.

This was something that had to be undone.

Only in this context can we see Baryy Wain and PR's campaign.

Where do these judges draw their inspiration from?

The 'neo-con' culture just encourages and exploits narrow, unwise interpretations to serve it's agenda which is to undo Dr Mahathir's decades of Islamic development.

Even Nik Aziz has been put to good service, to say that the Abrahamic faiths can use the word Allah. A wiser one would have understood the consequences of such thinking here and how it can lead to anarchy, as Dr Mahathir's comments reveal.

I don't think we can repeat Dr Mahathirs' economic success or wise statesmenship, which included a continual dialogue with the people and imaginative action that endeared him to wide spectrum of reasonable people, and somehow avoided the kind of messy and intractable problems we now always seem to run into.

We should allow the appeal process to work its way through the system. But the risks of anarchy are real, as long as the infuence of wise thinking remains diffused by greed and power within the ranks.