UNDANG-UNDANG tetap undang-undang. Maka pada hari Umno meraikan ulangtahunnya yang ke63, Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur memutuskan bahawa Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir bukanlah MB Perak yang sah. MB sebenarnya ialah Adun PAS Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, yang mengetuai Pakatan Rakyat setelah Perak jatuh ke tangan pembangkang dalam pilihanraya umum pada 8 Mac tahun lalu. Keputusan itu sudah tentu disambut juga dengan doa kesyukuran dipihak Nizar. Keputusan mahkamah ini juga memaksa setiap watak dalam politik Perak merenong dan memikirkan sedalam-dalamnya perkembangan terbaru ini. Seorang AJK cawangan Umno menghantar satu SMS kepada saya yang penuh makna. Bunyinya: "Sedang pemimpin politik atasan bergelut sesama mereka, soalan saya ialah - bagaimana nasib kami di bawah? Bila agaknya kami akan menikmati kestabilan dan kemakmuran sedangkan kami bertungkus lumus membanting tulang di bawah ni mencari rezeki yang halal?" Kemelut di Perak tak mungkin selesai dalam masa yang terdekat. Kesannya terhadap politik negara pasti ada. Sama juga kesannya kepada kewibawaan pihak-pihak yang memainkan peranan dalam pergolakan politik di negeri itu di semua peringkat, termasuk di kalangan istana dan penasihat perundangan semua pihak yang terbabit. Seorang rakan pakar undang-undang berbisik kepada saya: "Cool heads need to act now." Dalam Bahasa Melayu, bunyinya lebih kurang begini:" Keadaan sekarang memerlukan pemikir yang waras untuk bertindak."
Sama-samalah kita tunggu siapa antara mereka yang waras akan bertindak dan membawa negeri Perak Darul Ridwan keluar dari pergolakan politik yang tidak sihat ini.
Gambar: suasana lengang di Ipoh semasa sidang DUN 7 Mei lalu.
At this stage maybe its better to face a state election than prolong the issue and draw greater animosity towards the Barisan Nasional.
But, since its the prerogative of HRH Sultan Of Perak, we shall wait for Sultan Azlan Shah's wisdom.
It would also be interesting if Sultan Azlan decides to maintain the status-quo.
Nizar will head a lame-government that couldn't possibly pass anything at the state assembly and the BN and its three Independent supporters could still move a vote of no-confidence to remove Nizar.
While the first option might put the crisis to rest, albeit a huge cost (political n financial), the second one might drag the crisis a little longer - judging from the dogmatic situation on Apr 7.
p/s we must not forget that one/two or even three by-elections might come our way in Perak if the ex-PKR guys are found guilty of corruption.
know what i think...(left this comment in bro syed's blog)
if there is still some left of democracy in this world, i think perak should hold a state election ... let the people decide who should manage the state government...
politicians forgot one basic NIAT for being a politicians...
IS NOT bout power.... not bout ego...not bout greed...
make sure all got good food to eat...good education....good happy life...
when humans are well fed, well taking care off..living in a happy environment then Malaysia will be in peace!
lets all make Malaysia as the most peacefull country...
now.. with things running on you tube, etc does not show a good perspective of Malaysia and her people...
Cool heads have prevailed, at least on the BN side and on the part of the royalty.
While the judges have in most cases made decisions with wisdom, this cannot be said of some who intepret the law narrowly and out of context, and without going to the subtance of things.
Anwar has orchestrated a sustained campaign against the institutions of democracy and monarchy, drawing inspiration from communist ideologues within the PKR.
Peranan blog semakin penting kerana masyarakat pada masa depan akan semakin terdidik dan mahu membaca laporan yang tidak berat sebelah, apatah lagi media yang cuba menyembunyikan fakta dan kebenaran.
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